
Function Call at Compile Time

Let’s consider the case of 2D texture tiles to be used in the context of tile-based texture mapping within graphic renderers such as OpenGL. Such tiles must be square and it is often recommended for hardware optimisations and/or limitations to set their size to a power of two.

template<int T_size>
class TextureTile2D

Defining the size as a template parameter force the user to provide it at compile time, allowing some possible further optimisations.

As it stands with this class definition, a 2D texture tile could be initialized by passing any value—power of two, or not.

TextureTile2D<256> powerOfTwoTexture;
TextureTile2D<123> nonPowerOfTwoTexture;

To avoid the risk of passing non power of two values by mistake, one could decide to use a power function such as the stardard std::pow().

TextureTile2D<std::pow(2, 8)> powerOfTwoTexture;

Expect that this won’t compile because the template parameter T_size needs to be set at compile time while the std::pow() function can only be ran at runtime. That’s where the m3ta::power() function comes into play.

TextureTile2D<m3ta::power(2, 8)> powerOfTwoTexture;

This works because the m3ta::power() function—like all the other functions from this library—is defined with the constexpr qualifier introduced in C++11, allowing it to run either at runtime or at compile time, depending on the context. The context here being a template parameter, the function runs at compile time.

Tag Dispatching

Building on the previous example, let’s assume that TextureTile2D has a method that does something where the computations involved could be highly optimized if the size passed as argument was a power of two less than 1024.

constexpr bool isPowerOfTwo(int value) { ... }

template<int T_size>
class TextureTile2D
    void doSomething()
        if (isPowerOfTwo(T_size) && T_size < 1024) {
            // Run optimized code.
        else {
            // Run unoptimized code.

This runs fine but the conditional check is done here at runtime even though the value T_size is known at compile time and that the function isPowerOfTwo can also run at compile time. If the check was expensive, it could be worthwhile to compute it once for all at compile time.

constexpr bool isPowerOfTwo(int value) { ... }

template<int T_size>
class TextureTile2D
        doSomething_impl(m3ta::All<bool, isPowerOfTwo(T_size), T_size < 1024>());

        // Run optimized code.

        // Run unoptimized code.

Here the trait m3ta::All inherits from std::true_type (an alias of std::integral_type<bool, true>) if all the conditions passed to m3ta::All evaluate to true, and from std::false_type otherwise.

This is called the tag dispatching technique—it allows to pick either one of the implementations at compile time.

Overload Resolution Using SFINAE

template<typename T1, typename T2, typename = void>
struct AreComparableForEquality
    static constexpr bool value = false;

template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct AreComparableForEquality<
    typename std::enable_if<
        m3ta::PassT<void, decltype(std::declval<T1>() == std::declval<T2>())>
    static constexpr bool value = true;

This AreComparableForEquality trait defined here allows to check if two types can be compared for equality using the operator ==. For example AreComparableForEquality<int, float>::value returns true while AreComparableForEquality<std::string, float>::value returns false.

This works by using the SFINAE technique over template parameters—if the code std::declval<T1>() == std::declval<T2>() is not a valid expression (no equality operator is defined between he types T1 and T2), then the default overload holding the value false is picked, otherwise the second one is chosen at one condition: the specialization of the third parameter must return void as per the default template parameter from the first overload.

m3ta::PassT is a used here to conveniently test the SFINAE expression while always returning the required type.

Static Assert

Let’s assume a Divide struct that would operate divisions between two integers at compile time. To disallow divisions by 0, a possibility could be to define a template specialization for the divisor value that would trigger an informative error message at compile time using static_assert.

template<int T_dividend, int T_divisor>
struct Divide
    static constexpr int value = T_dividend / T_divisor;

template<int T_dividend>
struct Divide<T_dividend, 0>
    static_assert(false, "Division by 0 not allowed.");

This code won’t work because the static_assert will always be evaluated to false during the compilation—and hence will trigger a compilation error—even when no code path would lead to instantiate the version with that template specialization.

To get it to work, the evaluation of the static_assert needs to be slightly deferred by making it dependent on a type—any type really, including empty parameter packs—with the help of the m3ta::dependenBool() function.

template<int T_dividend, int T_divisor, typename ... T_Dummies>
struct Base
   static constexpr int value = T_dividend / T_divisor;

template<int T_dividend, typename ... T_Dummies>
struct Base<T_dividend, 0, T_Dummies ...>
        m3ta::dependentBool<T_Dummies ...>(false),
        "Division by 0 not allowed."

template<int T_dividend, int T_divisor>
struct Divide
    : public Base<T_dividend, T_divisor>

The Nested Initializers Trick for Multidimensional Arrays

The built-in C/C++ arrays come with a convenient syntax to initialize them: the curly braces.

int array[2][3] = {
    0, 1, 2,
    3, 4, 5

The definition of array produces a multidimensional array that represents 2 arrays of 3 elements each.

The same array could have been written with an extra pair of brace for each inner dimension.

int array[2][3] = {
    {0, 1, 2},
    {3, 4, 5}

With the introduction of the initializer lists in C++11, this syntax is now usable within custom types. Reproducing the first syntax requires a constructor to accept a single std::initializer_list argument, while the nested braces syntax requires a parameter to be defined as nested initializer lists.

template<typename T, std::size_t ... T_dimensions>
class MultidimensionalArray
    using NestedInitializerLists =
        m3ta::NestedInitializerListsT<T, sizeof ... (T_dimensions)>;

    static constexpr std::size_t
        return m3ta::product(T_dimensions ...);

    MultidimensionalArray(NestedInitializerLists lists)
    { ... }

    std::array<T, size()> _data;

The m3ta::NestedInitializerLists traits allows to quickly define a new type with a specified number of std::initializer_list nested within each other, while the m3ta::product() function returns the total size of the multidimensional array.

From there, iterating through each element is not as simple as iterating over a linear container. Indeed, iterating through the std::initializer_lists at the top level with the function begin() returns pointers to the deeper levels. As such, the elements initialized with the nested braces syntax can only be iterated through a recursive approach.

template<typename T, std::size_t ... T_shape>
struct NestedInitializerListsProcessor;

template<typename T, std::size_t T_first, std::size_t ... T_others>
struct NestedInitializerListsProcessor<T, T_first, T_others ...>
    using NestedInitializerLists =
        m3ta::NestedInitializerListsT<T, 1 + sizeof ... (T_others)>;

    template<typename T_Function>
    static void
    process(NestedInitializerLists lists, T_Function function)
        if (lists.size() > T_first) {
            throw std::invalid_argument(
                "Elements in excess within the initilizer list."

        for (auto nested : lists) {
            NestedInitializerListsProcessor<T, T_others ...>::
                process(nested, function);

        if (T_first != lists.size()) {
            std::size_t count =
                m3ta::product(T_others ...) * (T_first - lists.size());

            for (; count > 0; --count) {

template<typename T, std::size_t T_last>
struct NestedInitializerListsProcessor<T, T_last>
    using InitializerList = m3ta::NestedInitializerListsT<T, 1>;

    template<typename T_Function>
    static void
    process(InitializerList list, T_Function function)
        if (list.size() > T_last) {
            throw std::invalid_argument(
                "Elements in excess within the initilizer list."

        std::for_each(list.begin(), list.end(), function);

        if (T_last != list.size()) {
            std::size_t count = T_last - list.size();
            for (; count > 0; --count) {

The NestedInitializerListsProcessor helper can iterate through nested std::initializer_lists while allowing a custom function to be applied on each element.

With this in hands, it is now possible to fully implement the constructor for the nested braces syntax.

template<typename T, std::size_t ... T_dimensions>
class MultidimensionalArray
    using NestedInitializerLists =
        m3ta::NestedInitializerListsT<T, sizeof ... (T_dimensions)>;

    static constexpr std::size_t
        return m3ta::product(T_dimensions ...);

    MultidimensionalArray(NestedInitializerLists lists)
        auto iterator = _data.begin();
        NestedInitializerListsProcessor<T, T_dimensions ...>::
                [&iterator](T value) { *(iterator++) = value; }

    std::array<T, size()> _data;